Environmental Governance Update - April 2019

This update is designed to inform you about the work UN Environment and our partners are doing to advance sound environmental governance. Each story in this update contributes to the advancement of sound environmental governance in one of the following ways:
(i) UN bodies and international organizations integrate environmental policy issues from UN Environment policy advice
(ii) Uptake of approaches for the coherent implementation of multiple multilateral environmental agreements
(iii) Policy action is taken by countries on environmental issues of international concern
(iv) Countries with enhanced institutional capacity and legal frameworks fully implement international environmental objectives
(v) Increased integration of the environment in sustainable development planning
(vi) Increased partnerships between UN Environment and stakeholders to promote the achievement of internationally agreed environmental goals

Environmental crime has become the world's fourth largest crime sector, growing at 2-3 times the rate of the global economy. INTERPOL and UN Environment estimate that natural resources worth up to US$258 billion are being stolen by criminal syndicates, depriving countries of their resources, revenues and development opportunities. UN Environment is working with judges, prosecutors, and enforcement agencies to strengthen national capacities to respond to environmental crimes.

Environmental rights have grown more rapidly than any other human right and are enshrined in over 100 constitutions. Tragically, whilst the right to a healthy environment is increasingly recognized, this right is increasingly violated. Irresponsible development projects and agribusinesses destroy our prospects of a safe, clean and healthy environment, as those fighting for these rights are killed at an average rate of four per week. UN Environment supports the upholding of environmental rights through The Environmental Rights Initiative; which is a coalition of state and non-state actors united to promote, protect, and respect environmental rights.

For effective implementation of the Paris Agreement, climate law-making is essential. UN Environment supports the review and reform of existing laws to enable countries to consider climate change proactively and address climate risks. We help ensure that this work involves all stakeholders, as all sectors of the economy and society are at risk from climate change.

UN Environment works closely with governments, law enforcement agencies, biodiversity experts and judiciaries to support the design, implementation and enforcement of laws and regulations that contribute to improved governance of natural resources.

Pollution has enormous human costs. Particulate matter in the air we breathe, organic pollutants and heavy metals in our food supply and drinking water — all of these pollutants cut short millions of lives every year. 6.5 million people die annually as a result of poor air quality including 4.3 million due to household air pollution. The Third United Nations Environment Assembly focused on #BeatPollution as its theme, providing countries with the opportunity to commit to global environmental policies that will help eliminate pollution and its threats. Eleven (11) resolutions and a Ministerial Declaration were passed to address the pollution of air, land and soil, freshwater, and oceans.

UN Environment is uniquely positioned to help countries establish and strengthen policy, legal and institutional measures, to achieve the Sustainable Development and other global environmental goals. We provide governments with guidance, expertise and tools on environmental laws, policy and regulation, as well as assist them to meet their environmental commitments to people and planet.